200 Series: Procedures


FEMA is awaiting the renewal of the CRS forms from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Until then, the current CRS forms (OMB Control No. 1660-0022), which show an expiration date of 10/31/2023, will receive monthly extensions from OMB, and will continue to be used by FEMA. Click here for more information.
  • 212 Application Letter of Interest and CRS Quick Check
  • Community Certifications
    • CC-213 Recertification Form—(FEMA Form 0-86-035A, pages 2-4) Refer to Section 213 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
    • 212 Community Certifications—(FEMA Form 0-86-035A, all pages) Refer to Section 212 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
    • 212 Community Certifications for Environmental and Historic Preservation—(FEMA Form 0-86-035B, all pages) Refer to Section 212 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
      • CC-520EHP Acquisition and Relocation—(FEMA Form 0-86-035B, pages 2-4) Refer to Section 520 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
      • CC-540EHP Drainage System Maintenance—(FEMA Form 0-86-035B, pages 5-15) Refer to Section 540 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)

Helpful Resources

The following guides, checklists and other materials, most of them referred to in the CRS Coordinator’s Manual, are optional aids to help communities with their CRS programs.

  • The Community CRS Coordinator—A one-page guide to help a community determine who to appoint to coordinate its local CRS efforts. Refer to Section 212 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
  • Program Data Table—A stand-alone version, in two formats, of the table filled out by CRS communities with their annual recertification. (⬇Download .pdf | ⬇Download .docx)
  • Illustrations reproduced from the Coordinator’s Manual.
    • Figure 320-1, Sample log for map information service (⬇Download .docx)
    • Figure 320-2, Sample map information record (⬇Download .docx)
    • Figure 320-3, A handout on the Mandatory Purchase requirement (⬇Download .docx)
    • Figure 340-2, Handout on the “Flood hazard—check before you buy” (⬇Download .docx)
    • Figure 500-3 A sample outreach letter to owners of repetitive loss properties (⬇Download .docx)
  • Verification Checklist—See pages 5-7 of FEMA Form 089-0-035A. Refer to Section 230 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
  • Impact Adjustment Maps—An overview and step-by-step guide to producing a map to help analyze and pinpoint the impact of floodplain management techniques. Refer to Section 231 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
  • Small Communities in the CRS—A six-page fact sheet to help small communities gauge, step-by-step, their ability to participate in the CRS, along with explanation of program benefits. Refer to Section 231 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
  • Annual Recertification ScheduleA state-by-state schedule of due dates for community recertifications in the CRS.
  • CRS Community Self AssessmentA simple tool to help communities better understand the risks and benefits inherent in their floodplains and which CRS activities may most benefit them. Refer to Section 240 of the Coordinator’s Manual.

State Profiles

View State Profiles

Click Here for State-based Credit Reports

State-based Credit Reports

Uniform Minimum Credit reports have been retired and replaced with State-based Credit reports. A State-based Credit report has been prepared for each state and can be downloaded below.

State-based Credit reports have two parts. The first part, “State-based Credit,” identifies CRS credits that are provided to all communities within the state. These credits are verified by ISO annually and do not require any further information or documentation from the community. The second part of the reports lists “Other Potential Credit” such as state-mandated or common state activities implemented and enforced at the community level (not by the state). Documentation for “Other Potential Credit” must be provided by the community or other agency and verified by the ISO/CRS Specialist. Remember, communities are eligible for credit for CRS activities that are implemented or required in the community by state, regional and county agencies.

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