FEMA is awaiting the renewal of the CRS forms from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Until then, the current CRS forms (OMB Control No. 1660-0022), which show an expiration date of 10/31/2023, will receive monthly extensions from OMB, and will continue to be used by FEMA. Click here for more information.
- CC-RL The Repetitive Loss List (⬇Download .pdf)
- CC-520EHP Acquisition and Relocation—(FEMA Form 0-86-035B, pages 2-4) Refer to Section 520 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
- CC-530 Retrofitted Buildings—(FEMA Form 0-86-035A, pages 10-11) Refer to Section 530 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
- CC-530EHP Flood Protection—(FEMA Form 0-86-035B, pages 5-15) Refer to Section 530 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
- CC-540EHP Drainage System Maintenance—(FEMA Form 0-86-035B, page 16) Refer to Section 540 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
- NFIP Repetitive Loss Update Form—(FEMA FORM 086-0-35C) (⬇Download .pdf)
Helpful Resources
General Materials
The following guides, checklists and other materials, most of them referred to in the CRS Coordinator’s Manual, are optional aids to help communities with their CRS programs.
- Matrix of Environmental Laws for FEMA-Funded Projects Eligible for CRS Credit—Tables showing the federal, state, and local environmental laws affecting each CRS activity. (⬇Download .pdf)
- Figure 500-3 Repetitive Loss Outreach Letter (⬇Download docx)
- Mapping Rep Loss Areas for CRS—Refer to Section 503 of the Coordinator’s Manual. (⬇Download .pdf)
- Making Corrections to the Repetitive Loss List (Update Pending)
- Repetitive Loss Update Transmittal Sheet (⬇Download .pdf)
Activity 510 (Floodplain Management Planning)
- CRS Credit for Planning Committees (⬇Download .pdf)
- Floodplain Management Plan (FMP Credit) Checklist (⬇Download .xls)
- Progress Report Template (⬇Download .pdf)
- Developing a Repetitive Loss Area Analysis (⬇Download .pdf)
- City of Savannah Final Repetitive Loss Area Analysis (⬇Download .pdf)
- Using Multi-Objective Management to Reduce Flood Losses in Your Watershed (⬇Download .pdf)
- FEMA Mitigation Planning Guides (View on FEMA website)
- Mitigation Planning and the Community Rating System Key Topics Bulletin (View on FEMA website)
- Preparing A Floodplain Species Assessment and A Floodplain Species Plan (⬇Download .pdf)
- FRESH Users Guide (⬇Download .pdf)
- Example Floodplain Species Assessments and Plans
- Gloucester County and James City County, Virginia (⬇Download .pdf)
- Preparing a Substantial Damage Management Plan (⬇Download .pdf)
- Template for a Substantial Damage Management Plan (⬇Download .docx)
- Checklist for a Substantial Damage Management Plan (⬇Download .docx)
- Template for an Evaluation Report (⬇Download .docx)
- Importing Data into FEMA’s Substantial Damage Estimator (⬇Download .pdf)
- Template for SDE Data Fields (⬇Download .xlsx)
Activity 520 (Acquisition and Relocation)
- FEMA Mitigation Grant Guides (View on FEMA website)
Activity 530 (Flood Protection)
- Flood Protection Worksheets (⬇Download .xlsx)
- Engineering Principles and Practices of Retrofitting Floodprone Residential Structures, FEMA 259 (View on FEMA website)
- Floodproofing Non-Residential Structures (Full Document), FEMA 102 (View on FEMA website)
- Non-Residential Floodproofing — Requirements and Certification (Technical Bulletin), FIA-TB-3 (View on FEMA website)
- Flood Damage-Resistant Materials Requirements, (Technical Bulletin 2) (2008) (View on FEMA website)
- Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofitting: Six Ways to Protect Your House from Flooding, FEMA 312 (View on FEMA website)
- Mitigation of Flood and Erosion Damage to Residential Buildings in Coastal Areas, FEMA 257 (View on FEMA website)
- Protecting Building Utilities from Flood Damage, FEMA 348 (View on FEMA website)
- Reducing Damage from Localized Flooding, FEMA 511 (View on FEMA website)
- Selecting Appropriate Mitigation Measures for Floodprone Structures, FEMA 551 (View on FEMA website)
Activity 540 (Drainage System Maintenance)
- CRS Credit for Drainage System Maintenance Quick Guide—A four-page handout on earning credit under the CRS for maintaining drainage systems. (⬇Download pdf)
- CRS Credit for Drainage System Maintenance—A full guide, with examples, to help communities tailor their drainage system maintenance programs in ways that both reduce flood losses and earn CRS credit. 2019 version. (⬇Download pdf)